So back in October 2012, I along with galamirix and bluestarbaby were invited to Chun’s place for a mini meet as well as a visit to a nearby pumpkin patch.
Chun had went and bought these amazing mini cupcakes from a local bakery earlier so much of the first half of the meet was spent in silence while we all om nom nom-ed on the sweets and snacks. ^^;;
Thanks so much for inviting, Chun!!!
Now a meat can’t be a meat without eats!!!
These mini black forest cupcakes were amazing! Just thinking about them is making my mouth water. Must ask Chun for the bakery address again as I have forgotten it already. XD;;
The perfect cream cheese frosting on the perfect red velvet cupcake. Makes me think if I’ll ever be able to perfect MY red velvet cupcakes and cream cheese frosting. ._.
Was never really a cat person as I’m more of dog person. But after meeting Yoshi….. >///<
bluestarbaby’s Okita Souji. I’ve forgotten if he was named yet or not. ^^;;
bluestarbaby’s cute YoSD witch~
My Aki-chan~ He is in serious need for more camera time.
The same could be said for all my dolls. ^^;;